Shell Oil Company Gas Station Road Maps of California
Shell Oil Company of California Road Maps of California
Vintage Old Shell Oil Company of California Road Maps from Gas Service Stations
Pictures of Old Vintage Shell Oil Company Road Maps Gas Service Stations
Shell Oil Company of California - Northern California Maps- 1923-1930 - Front
Shell Oil Company of California -Northern California Maps - 1923-1930 - Back
Shell Oil Company of California - Southern California Maps - 1923-1930 and California Maps 1932-1945- Front
Shell Oil Company of California - Southern California Maps - 1923-1930 and California Maps 1932-1945 - Back
Shell Oil Company - California maps - postwar - front
Shell Oil Company - California maps - postwar - back
I believe this is a complete set of Shell Oil Company of California road maps covering the State of California from 1923 to 1975. The first two pictures show seventeen different maps (I found one more) of Northern California issued between 1923 and 1930. The next two pictures show the Southern California Maps issued between 1923 and 1930, followed by the Prewar Shell California Maps issued between 1932 and 1945. I showed the seventeen Northern California maps in order of publication as some of them are difficult to date. The Southern California series starts with 3 hard cover maps by the Parker Map Company of Los Angeles and includes a 1927 Eubank Map.
The following clickable link willopen a Check-List type Spreadsheet that will include Map Codes, Copyright Dates and other descriptive information for the above pictured map series. Shell-California-Early-Spreadsheet. The spreadsheet will require some study, but if you have any of these early maps you should be able to figure out which one you have.
In late 1930 and 1931 Shell had another map program. They had a large travel book in each service station that could be used for reference by travelers. Shell gave out small maps of the area around that station, then the traveler could get the map for the next area by stopping at a station in that area. The big book was inches thick and included all kinds of travel information.
The early (1923-1930) West Coast Shell Oil Company Map series are different for Northern and Southern California as can be seen above. This lack of uniformity also applies to Shell maps of other states in the West. There is no uniformity in the series until the last couple of years.
I included pictures of the Shell Postwar (1946-1975) maps of California, there is a 1946 Orange cover that is similar to the 1945 Cover that is not pictured. In 1952 Shell issued regional maps instead of state maps.
The following clickable link will open a Check-List type Spreadsheet that will include Map Codes, Copyright Dates and other dfescriptive information for the avove pictured map series. Shell-California-Spreadsheet